In One Giant Leap, sequel to the 2017 Dare Mighty Things, Heather Kaczynski takes readers on an escapade through space with Cassie, Luka, and the rest of the gang as they navigate a war between two distant alien civilizations. A mix of adventure, thriller, and science fiction, One Giant Leap explores making impossible choices in impossible situations—and Earth isn't the only thing at stake. While Dare Mighty Things left readers with a cliffhanger, this second book in the series has a solid conclusion to wrap up Cassie's story. I would read anything else from this author, so I look forward to future releases!
Stars: 5/5
Recommended for: Readers who enjoy unique science fiction with relatable themes.
Bonus points: Part of Cassie's journey involves learning more about her asexuality, a topic that young adult literature would do well to continue representing and exploring.
An overt mix of love and cynicism, and oodles of queer YA. Other age categories make guest appearances too. I ain't got time to read books I don't like.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Friday, July 19, 2019
Review: DEPOSING NATHAN, by Zack Smedley
This is a powerful story that brings to light the struggles of finding oneself and navigating complex emotions. Zack Smedley is an author to watch, with poignant and relevant storytelling that hooks the reader from the first line to the unexpected twist and through the ending. Smedly has contributed his own touch to young adult literature, giving readers something fresh and current that's difficult to ignore. Deposing Nathan was worth every penny of my purchase, and it quickly jumped up my list of top 2019 releases.
Stars: 5/5
Recommended for: Young adult readers questioning sexuality, religion, family expectations, and/or familial commitment. Or just anyone who loves a fantastic book.
Bonus points: The author wrote a fascinating post about the saga of the book's cover creation and the importance of advocating for a safe cover for closeted teen readers.
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